Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Wk2Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wk2Journal - Assignment ExampleThe vision of UNICEF is to organize a better world, where every individual can live a better life, while using the technology, skills, information and processes that are required to generate their individual solutions. The mission dictation of UNICEF mainly talks near securing the rights of the children so that their basic needs are met and the children can develop their full potential under the high hat possible opportunities (UNICEF -1, 2013). Though the activities of UNICEF are quite broad in nature, however it is mostly foc utilise on child survival, precept, gender equality, policy development and partnerships. The funding of UNICEF is dependent on financial support from the governments as well various private donations. UNICEF is recognized as a not for profit government and thusly is exempt from tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (UNICEF -2, 2013). The challenges for UNICEF comprises of its ability to spread education and equality, fighting HIV and Aids and protecting children from violence. Through usage of strong data backed reports, the organization is trying to develop better policies, which will help in tackling the challenges. The organization faced a major(ip) crisis in 2012, when 1.1 million African children below the age of 5, faced the danger of acute malnutrition. The organization used social media for advocacy and fund raising activities and thereby successfully provided the needed treatment to over 920,000 children (UNICEF, 2012, p. 8).orchard apple tree is a US based multinational company, which is headquartered in California. Talking about a brief memorial of the organization, it can be said that the organization was founded in the year 1975 under the name of Apple Computers by the legendary Steve Jobs. The vision of apple is to be the global leader in innovation. The new mission statement talks about the companys focus to simplify and gain perfection in its

Monday, April 29, 2019

Patient Presentation with COPD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Patient Presentation with COPD - Essay ExampleCOPD is partially irreversible and its symptoms argon associated with hyper-responsiveness of the airways. The said(prenominal) conditions are recognized as a major disability causing a progressive degenerative airway obstruction or narrowing that frequently occur as one entity. In the unify Kingdom (UK), the prevalence of COPD affects twain men and women more commonly in their fourth decade of life. derivative instrument diagnosis of COPD involves asthma, congestive heart failure, bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, obliterative bronchiolitis, and diffuse panbronchiolitis. Nonpharmacological and pharmacological management are considered in treating the patient. Other treatments include rehabilitation, oxygen therapy, and ventilatory support.Patient Presentation with COPDA Brief Introduction This paper discusses chronic preventive pulmonary disease (COPD) and its significance in the family and community settings, its socio-economic and c ultural background, past medical history, differential diagnosis, and incumbent guidelines relating to pharmacological and nonpharmacological patient management. The analysis of psychosocial impact of COPD to the patient and her family as well as strategies for patient education, and the circumstance of multidisciplinary care team are also will be discussed in the paper.Short Background on COPD... Nursing Assessment Patient, JC, is a 76 socio-economic class old female patient with a decennary year history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). JC, white female, now 76 years old was 66 year old when diagnosed with COPD in 2002. In the United Kingdom (UK), the prevalence of COPD affects both men and women more commonly in their fourth decade of life (NICE, 2010). It is associated with high rate of mortality and significant healthcare system cost (Raherison and Girodet, 2009). Epidemiological studies note a close association among chronic bronchitis prevalence and low socioeconomic status (Viegi, et al., 2001). COPD is classically thought to be a junto of chronic bronchitis and emphysema, even though in COPD patients, only one of the previously mentioned conditions is present (MayoClinic, 2011 CDC, 2011 and British health check Journal, 2012). Sharma (2012) defined chronic bronchitis as persistent productive cough for more than three months each year in a period of two consecutive years. The mucous glands in lungs of individuals with chronic bronchitis are enlarged, the airways are inflamed, and the bronchial walls are thickened with subsequent changes and loss of supporting alveolar connection, which results to narrowing and deformity of the lm of the airway and eventually causes limitation of airflow (Sharma, 2012). On the other hand, emphysema, one of the causative agents of COPD is defined as an abnormal and permanent alveolar enlargement of the terminal bronchioles that results to destruction of the airspace wall (Sharma, 2012). The patien t has her take in home she is married with two children and one grandchild. Prior to her diagnosis, the patient worked in an office for most of her works life. She was a known cigarette

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Local and Surrounding Ecologies and Environment Essay

Local and environ Ecologies and Environment - Essay ExampleThere is a marked difference between the built milieu and the natural milieu, beca character the perception of the natural environment is prominent by its varied workings that consist of perfect environmental and biological groups with specific functions, which includes all in all plant life, flora, undergrowth, foliage and shrubbery, bacteria microbes, germs and soil, rocks, atmosphere and all non-artificial events in the physical sense that be not produced by humans, although they effect humans. Also included in the environment are general natural resources and natural phenomena that cannot be mapped and have no geographical limits such as air, water and climate and manmade resources or originating from manmade activities such as energy, radiation, electrical charges and magnetism. ... tropical rain forest or desert. The worlds lakes and oceans may also be considered biomes, although they are less susceptible to clima tic influences than terrestrial biomes. Other factors could be related to, living, or occurring in the waters of the ocean or the open sea as foreign to near the shore such as bird populations, and other deep sea or alter marine, evergreen forests, deciduous forests, steppes, and grasslands. Also equally important is the factor that fills the various places in the local anesthetic ecosystem. The ecosystem consists of all the physical and free living systems that describe the physical and chemical aspects of organism environments. Human activities that affect local ecosystems Human activities that have greatly damaged the ecosystem is the junk discarded from homes and factories which causes the most pollution, has resulted in the loss of home ground and produced acid rain which has in effect resulted in the deprivation of the ecosystem. Urban development of farmlands for mass husbandry has replaced grasslands with crops that are consumed mostly by humans. Space for crops has been made by chopping down and burning forets, and lumber furnish trees have been cut without letup to feed the growing demand for lumber and other wood products. The flow of rivers, streams and waterways are diverted for use on agricultural lands and for other human requirements in cities and towns. Humans have humble the amounts of fish in the oceans, seas and rivers by mechanical fishing without giving the fish the time to rebreed and produce thereby severely depleting existing reserves. Every type of human conveniences such as cars, generators etc. use fossil fuel that has caused global warming, acid

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Activism and the Nineteen-Sixties Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Activism and the Nineteen-Sixties - Essay ExampleThe aged coevals, the establishment, was of the WWII period and operated under a nationalistic perspective. They believed that to be a true patriot was to blindly follow the authority of the governmental powers that be, to support your country even when you thought it was wrong. The young college protesters, the new generation, the counter-culture redefined this notion of patriotism. They believed that to be truly patriotic was to question the decisions of government and openly dissent when it was judged to be wrong. The philosophic chasm was wide and emotions ran deep on both sides.Those that protested sacrificed much. They suffered the scorn of their parents who couldnt understand why their children were rebelling against the very conception of their parents beliefs thus causing what was referred to as the generation gap. Some war protesters were killed by soldiers of the National Guard as was the case at Kent State and South Caro lina State. The protesters and draft-dodgers were thought of as anti-American by the mainstream citizenry who regarded their actions as nothing short of treasonous. This attitude makes one wonder what the greatest generation thought they were fighting for during WWII. They fought to constitute freedom on foreign soil but were very much opposed to the constitutionally guaranteed in force(p) to peacefully assemble in their own country.The war protesters of the 1960s had the courage to act upon their political and philosophical convictions unlike those who are opposed to the Iraq War today. The two conflicts are eerily similar on umpteen fronts yet the public reaction has been very dissimilar. Then as now, those opposed to the war are characterized as unpatriotic or as not supporting the troops, both of which, of course, is patently ridiculous concepts. The major variety is that the draft personalized the conflict for many more Americans. More families had a personal stake in the V ietnam War as opposed to the war in Iraq which only affects a small segment of the population.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Constitutional understanding Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

constitutive(a) understanding - Term Paper ExampleAs time passed, a lot of things became introduced and others amended in the shaping. There got ways that can be used to bring changes in the constitution in revise to enhance more positive rights. Cass advised on the proper way to have positive rights bewilder in the American constitution (Sanford 45). He continues by saying that through constitution conventions, constitutional amendmentsMatthew in his book We Hold These Truths tries to oversee and connect whatever of the principles lay down during nation founding with some of the thorniest issues today (Matthew 23). In being a constitutional scholar, he analyzes and even gives some 10 transformational initiatives in an attempt to seek to provide the necessary education regarding constitutional self government and self-direction to constitution makers, news media and even regular Americans. In his book, he states some of the first principles laid down by the forefathers and tri es to suggest applicable solutions to problems being faced nowadays in terms of liberty. In the establishment of liberty in the American constitution, meant quite a lot to the citizens. In the beginning, liberty encompassed a broad mount of some human freedom and entailed dimensions like political, economic, intellectual plus religious aspects. Matthew in his book explores how the forefathers cute liberty to be and gives solutions on how conservatives could revert it.Matthew believes that the first principles started becoming eroded in the early twentieth and late 19th more so due to centralization, relativism, bureaucracy and lies therefore undermining the vision the fore founders had for the constitution (Matthew 45). In his book, he adds that the victory by Republicans remains as another way to demonstrate how the Americans windlessness believe in some of the visions outlined by some of the founding fathers in forming the constitution.According to Sanford in the

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Health Systems and Healthcare Systems Coursework

health Systems and wellness carry off Systems - Coursework representativeIt left the rest of the underprivileged population either to afford for the healthcare services it sought or to go without health care (Newdick 1995, p. 42). Thereby, it became evident to the then Labor government that the people in the UK were beingness deprived of even the very basic health care because they simply could not afford to pay for it. Thereby, the guiding philosophy behind the envisagement of the national Health Service was to make healthcare more cheap and to assure that even the marginalized UK citizens got access to affordable healthcare.The thing that needs to be understood is that the coming into universe of discourse of the National Health Service in the UK was the outcome of a marked shift in the mind-set of the policy-making individuals and institutions with regards to health care. For instance, the contrivance of NHS was guided by the emerging belief that health care happened to be a basic right and did not happen to be a luxury doled out as a matter of charity (Gormley 1999, P. 26). The ruling elites in the UK did come to the agreement that the existent health care system in the UK was in a state of abysmal mess and that a National Health Service was needed to replace this lackadaisical and biased system. The good thing was that the health care pedestal created during the II being War did help a lot in the creation of a National Health Service in the UK (Gormley 1999). The emergency medical services and the healthcare infrastructure created during the II World War did help a lot in the creation of a pan UK National Health Service. The II World War had a cataclysmic impact on the governance in general and on the health care in particular. This planned upheaval did go a long guidance in the envisagement of a very democratic and egalitarian health care system in the UK.

Philosophical assignment 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Philosophical assignment 4 - Essay ExampleThings, on the other hand, implies the quarry of experience. However, in the historical context, it is profoundly imperative to comprehend what type of function the meaning of Protagorass rehearsal plays as well as the influence that it has on the contemporary society. In addition, the statement advocates subjectivistic individualism, which concerns the sense perception, as well as the general truth (Ophuijsen, Raalte, and Stork 198). Plato argues that values such as morality cannot be impersonal but subjective similar to the matter of taste.Protagoras thesis offered a profound philosophical basis for the sophistical understanding of wisdom. This Protagoras epistemology disapproves the statement that if information is knowledgeable, then it should be true universally and not to a extra individual irrespective of the societal background. Additionally, Protagoras and his followers did not agree that ethical duties and morality must be unive rsal. Thus, if it is true that knowledge is relative to a particular person, then the wisdom must be

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Cities since 1780 Essay

The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Cities since 1780 - act ExampleBefore the industrial revolution took storm in England, most of the population lived in sylvan areas. In fact, over the course of the nineteenth century the population rate of towns would grow from 16% to 54% (Roberts, 348). Up until this time the governments response to civil services in cities was based on the laissez-faire apprehension of leaving pack to their own devices. Because most citizens lived in agricultural areas such necessities as transportation, water and sanitization were not deemed necessary concerns for government interference. The sudden and overwhelming influx of the populace into tight, centralized location coerce the government to reconsider this method of governance. With the construction of factories and housing for the labourers sent to work in those factories, cities were faced with newfound and critical needs to reorganize their policies on sewage, travel infrastructure and wate r supplies. Although the industrial revolution guide to terrible working conditions for men, women and even children, and sparked the era of pollution and environmental and ecological exploitation, it was also the driving force behind development and modernization of public transportation, schooling, and health care (Roberts, 351).As a result of people moving into

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Hospitality Facilities Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hospitality Facilities Management - test ExampleAs mentioned above, construction methods and materials greatly affect the environs, however, as a result of ongoing enquiry in building technology and resulting breakthroughs have enabled Hotel industry to bring environment friendly buildings. Resort creature comforts too, are becoming more environment friendly. For example, Golf resorts are using non chemical pesticides for its golf courses. A number of them are using golf carts powered by alternative energy sources.Awareness as to how to protect the natural environment is on the rise and more and more hotels are becoming environment friendly or Green. An increasing number of hotels are taking measures like creating expediencys or products that befriend guests with the problems emanating from the environment for example treated rooms for chemically sensitive or allergy prone people. Also, selecting suppliers with nifty reputation and established standards for helping environmenta l preservation.Hotel and Resort brands the world over are developing service concepts that can be called parking lot.Asian hotels are taking a lead in developing green services and products and branding them as environment friendly. In the Caribbean, the lodging sector is leading the world in number of certified environment friendly hotels. New models of niche luxury ecotourism resorts are being develop emanating from the Maho Bay camp in St.John in the Caribbean, which is supposedly worlds first eco tourist resort.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Homeland Security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Homeland Security - Assignment ExampleEach embody annex identifies a coordinating agency, as well as assisting and cooperating agencies. In some instances, two departments or agencies share coordinating agency responsibilities (US Department of Homeland Security FEMA, 2009, p. 3-7)A plan is said to be achievable when the brass instrument is able to achieve the main aims and objectives of the plan given the resource and time constraints fixed upon the project. In every plan, a certain amount of resources are allocated and they are later monitored through the character of different statuses. The available resources of a project consist of the internal assets within the organization and even those that the organization is able to attain through agreements (US Department of Homeland Security FEMA, 2009, p. 4-17)U.S. Department of Homeland Security FEMA. (2010). ontogeny and maintaining emergency operations plans Comprehensive preparedness guide 101, Version 2.0. Retrieved from

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Mahatma Gandhi Worldview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mahatma Gandhi Worldview - Essay ExampleThis paper, therefore, comp ars and contrasts Gandhis worldview about the character of divinity, social issues and family with my own experience and worldview in the same. Gandhi became a role model to many slew by his faith, in truth and justice, for all humankind. His faith, in holiness, made him love those who opposed his ideals to bring about quiet with non-violence (Damm, January 2011). His teachings on religion were transp arent as most of it flowerpot be attested to those of the Bible contempt his focusing on meekness and humility, which is rather a rare case for any society. Gandhi emphasize on making peace an eye for an eye would cost us all our eyes as he stated (Damm, January 2011), however through my worldview, I feel that conflict is brought about by self-interest, proving the point that there exist no ideal human society where everyone thinks and acts the same level for each other. According to Gandhi, people should take the responsibility to care about the poor, and not refuse to take part, in oppressive practices, but also to fight domination whenever we see it (Damm, January 2011). Gandhi was a moral path of action since he believed in national independence, political and economic freedom of individuals and self-rule. Gandhi tries to explain the nature of immortal, in the human soul or life, and how God and man relate to explain the nature of God and family experiences. For instance, he believes that human suffering can be explained through assessing their relationships with God. He also believed that one should serve humanity, especially the poor and the downtrodden (Jahanbegloo, 1996). In this context, I agree with Gandhi that we should always care about the poor, in the society, just as nurses do. As an atheist, I potently believe that humankind do not have any relationship with God. Therefore, it is every persons duty to take care of one another, including the poor, without perceiving that their suffering is linked to some supernatural being. Gandhi also shows how God should be intellectualized and linked with one dense theory of man. It is the basic contention of the present research aspiration that Gandhis greatest political ideas were like echo, and their reflections were simple and characterized by western positioning, which fail to some limit to escalate the true essence of Gandhis political ideas (Jahanbegloo, 1996). His ideas are firmly rooted, in the traditions, but are so modern in the spirit. According to my perception, Gandhi is not a meager theorist, but he an employ experimentalist, who tried to apply his ideas in the political arena. I also feel that those regarding Gandhi as their role models are those people who strongly believe in some supernatural power. This is because Gandhis greatness lies not unaccompanied in his saintly and holy living, but also in his epic brawls and actions (Jahanbegloo, 1996). The success of every yard of his struggle w as attributed to God. In most cases, politicians and atheists, like I, are not generally reputed to take religion and God seriously, for the values, to which they are committed such as the political control of one individual or another, the economic exploitation and economic liberty of the poorer and weaker human being. These values are clearly incompatible with the value of religion that the latter could not be taken too seriously or

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Truss Optimisation Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Truss Optimisation - speech ExampleGhasemi et al. (1999) have revealed the appropriateness of the genetic algorithms to deal with the large trusses that have numerous indefinite variables. This test shows that how an algorithm of our design can be employed to match this previous study. The paper will hugely concentrate over the application of genetic algorithm to trusses developed under indefinite conditions (Ganzerli et al., 2003). 1.1. Background Galileo Galilei has been recognised as the first scientist by the Coello Coello et al. (1994), who studied optimization of organizes over the bending of beams in his work. Over the flowing of snip, this subject has developed and become an atomic figure 18a of engineering, in itself, which is known as the structural optimization. For the last a couple of(prenominal) decades, the rising interest towards this area has been because of the availability of powerful and cheap computers as well as delinquent to the rapid progress in the analytic and optimization methods for the twists (Soh and Yang, 1998). The optimization of the weight of the structures is of great importance to umteen fields of engineering. It might be linked to cost optimization, in nearly aspects, as it clearly tends towards an best usage of the materials. The weight optimized structures, in civil engineering, are very convenient as the construction as well as the transportation work in, relation to the build-up, is simple. The engagement of the least possible share of the misdirect capacity by the structure itself is a nonher benefit of developing a structure with its weight macrocosm optimized. Also, in the aircraft and car industries, the structural optimization is highly important since a lighter structure leads to a better fuel efficiency. The use of genetic algorithms is an efficient optimization technique. GA is a form of evolutionary programming (Alander, 1999) and most likely known as the best optimization technique of the presen t time (Ashlock, 2006). It provokes the evolutionary principle of survival of the fittest through aggregating the optimum solutions to a problem in numerous generations in order to augment the outcome gradually. The elementary population of solutions is constructed on the random basis and then on with the evolution, the best solutions are aggregated in each generation until they converged in to an optimum solution (Gold Berg, 1989). 1.2. books Review Over the previous two decades, the genetic algorithms have been used in search for an optimal design solution for trusses that has been explained in numerous scientific reports. However the optimization in the majority of these studies does not relate to shape, size and topology simultaneously. In general, the topology of the truss is fixed that means the inner connectivity of the members is uninterrupted (Ravindran and Ragsdell, 2006). The most frequently used method to deal with the optimization of the truss topology is the ground structure method that has been used by Hajela & Lee (1995) and Deb & Gulati (2000) in their work. An extremely connected ground structure having numerous nodes and elements, in the ground structure method, is gradually minimized until just the basic required elements are left (Ohsaki, 2005). The emphasis has been over the development of a highly efficient genetic algorithm, in some of the recent studies on truss optimization with GA, which determines an optimal solution through the least possible number of calculations such as the adaptive approach given by Togan & Daloglu (2006) and the directed mutation

Friday, April 19, 2019

Discuss Issues Related with the Police and Use Force Policies Essay

Discuss Issues Related with the Police and Use Force Policies - Essay ExampleAs per the urban center of Edmonds Police Policy Manual section 1.3.1 part of force should be reasonable and needed to all arrest a person or control a situation. Officers should follow the rules and regulations of the department while substance abuse force. The manual differentiates between the words force, and deadly force. Force is Physical action interpreted by an officer to assist that officer in controlling a situation or the look of others, while deadly force is The intentional application of force through the use of firearms or whatsoever other means reasonably likely to cause death or serious bodily damage (MRSC).According to the Seattle Police Department Directives (2005) the use of force is applied as per the provisions of the RCW 9A. 16.010 and 9A16.020, depending on the boilersuit situation emerging out of the circumstances. Types of situations demanding the use of force can be identifie d but upcoming scenarios cannot be guessed prior to their happening compelling the police officers to use force (Seattle Police Department).Police use of force, according to Engel (2008) has been an issue of seek by different methods and statistical techniques that include not only positive data sources but data from keen social observations, ethnographic research, officer surveys, citizen surveys and their analysis. Yet the scholarly research has not produced a comprehensive picture of the use force policies, leave alone the regular observe of the police use of force. Scholars like Garner, Maxwell, and Heraux, 2002 Hickman et al., 2008 Terrill and Mastrofski, 2002, wealthy person acknowledged the different parameters of monitoring the use of force. As a result it becomes difficult to explain the differences in results on the studies made on these subjects. The issue of monitoring the use of force is related to use force policies. Although these differences in the concept and m onitoring of use of force have been identified by the

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Describe how you would motivate members of the organization to adapt Research Proposal

Describe how you would cause members of the organization to adapt and accept continuous deepen - Research Proposal ExampleIn holy order to unfreeze these prevailing norms, or the status quo, overcoming resistance among individuals and con descriptority among groups is crucial. In Lewins model, the shift to a desired state give the axe be done by one of the three lowering the restraining forces to change increasing the driving forces to get into the desired state or both.The change in leadership entails a unexampled vision. And in order to carry out this vision, there are specific steps the unexampled leadership lays out which will be the cause of individual resistances within the corporation. The first alternative is to growth the driving forces. Driving forces usually come in the form of incentive, for employees to accept and comply to change. It may embrace other forms, but driving forces are the usual motivating forces behind the transition.Another alternative is to ebb t he restraining forces to change. As change prompts uncertainty, people tend to protect their interests and resort into power struggles. By eliminating these sorts of restraining forces in the form of employee counseling, seminars and educational programs, forces that hinder change due to individual resistance can be neutralized.In the organic cases where the resistance is high, status quo can be unfreezed by combining the two approaches eliminating the restraining forces, and increasing the driving forces. In this way, the incentive to accept change plus measures to lower down the resistance among employees will work in order to unfreeze the status quo.When the status quo is unfreezed, and employees are set for the change that is to happen within the company, the new leadership can enact the changes. When new leadership entails new vision for the company, the changes that may come can include changes in the corporate objectives, thus there will be changes in corporate strategies. T hese changes in strategies usually require changes in organizational structure and a change in the

Social problem - elder care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social problem - elder cargon - Essay Examplere services to their elderly parents, whitethorn hope not to find themselves facing such care needs, and whitethorn not face a legal requirement that they do so or face a requirement that is not enforced. The children may not, in fact, ever face such needs beca wasting disease some plowshare of the elderly reaches the end of life without developing personal-care needs. The need to care for a child is in well all cases a temporary situation, followed by a transition a lengthy and gradual transition, to be sure - to the capacity for self-care associated with independent living as an adult. However, the transition into disability during old age may occur gradually or rapidly, and is likely to signal the onset of an irreversible state of dependency, one that exit end only in death. Thus, for several reasons elder care merits, and receives, special attention.Yet, elder care and separate major types of care work, such as caring for young chi ldren, share many common elements often of the care is provided in private households and is done so informally by family members the care entails heavy use of time inputs care is provided more often by women than by men the care effort imposes cost in many intangible domains upon those who do it and, the caring produces benefits for society at large. Both the costs and the benefits are hard to quantify, in principle and in practice. (Arno, P., Levine, C., and Memmnott, M, 1999)Although different countries exhibit considerable variation in the types and humanity of publicly funded programs with which to meet the care needs of older people, the family remains everywhere the most important provider of such care. There is a voluminous research literature concerned with the nature, extent, components, and consequences of informal care provided to alter elders. Much of that work is based on small, local-area samples, but in recent years a depend of national-level data sources have be come available with which to study elder care.One of the most

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Regionalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Regionalism - Essay ExampleIn this sense regionalism is seen to provide a buffer against the run away train of worldwideisation, yet, as we shall see in many ways regionalisms aims quite much run parallel to those of globalism.Keohane and Nye (2000) define globalism as the state of the world involving networks of interdependence at multicontinental distances.1 Regionalism, on the other hand, can be defined as the move by two or more than states towards greater semipolitical, economic and social integration. Oman (1999) claims that it can be a process, driven by the same microeconomic forces that drive globalisation or it can be a process, driven by political forces, which whitethorn in turn be motivated by security, economic, or other objectives.2 Both globalism and regionalism arouse the ability to stretch over the economic, social and political institutions of a country.The definition of regionalism has changed over the last 25 years. Dutta (1999) claims that since the end o f the Cold War regionalization has become more economic than political. The two international arrangements that dominated the political and economic dialogues over the past several decades have come to outlive their usefulness.3 The opening of the global economy and the intensity of change in technological areas since this time have resulted in an assortment of pressures upon states. States, in turn, are adapting to these pressures by taking part in regional trading blocs. For Habermas (2001) globalisation and its challenges must be offset by an expansion of political authority that reaches beyond the national but does not go to the extent of being global.4 In addition, Lupel adds, If under conditions of globalisation the state has begun to lose its capacity to harbor its people from the exigencies of the world economy, and if processes of globalisation have left influential forces beyond the steering capacities of the democratic nation-state, consequently political change is clea rly on the agenda. The integration of separate nation-states into new political and economic units is seen as one way to respond to this new conjuncture.5 Regional ties differ from global ties in that they take up together groups of nations who share linguistic, cultural or historic similarities. They present an us and them scenario with the rest of the world. While the global union has no ethical political self-understanding of citizens a regional one does and according to Habermas that is essential for developing a sense of identity and solidarity.6 These regions may also give smaller countries a platform to push issues of their induce concern. Oman (1999) claims that because bargaining power in multilateral trade negotiations depends largely on domestic market surface a regional grouping should have greater bargaining power than any of its members would have individually.7 In addition, Fernandez Jilberto and Mommen (1998) state, Regional arrangements provide external credibil ity for their own programmes of trade and investment liberalization, as well as wider market access, particularly in the protection-prone industrialized capitalist world.8 For many developing and smaller countries regionalism would serve to emphasize collective autonomy in relation to US and the EU economic policies.9Aside from forming

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Organisational System Security Internet Security Issues Essay Example for Free

Organisational System warrantor measures Internet Security Issues EssayAdware Is a software package which you get when you involve downloaded a different program or software for free or at a reduced price. Its main conclude is to download adverts to your info processor penetrate when you visit websites. Adware is seen by a developer as away to rec all oer exists of making software. But to the customary substance abuser adverts on in that location monitor are annoying because it puts them off of what in that location doing and they have to resolve every advert down manually. Blackhat Is a name given to a hacker whose purpose is to approach path data with pop permission and to damage it or change it. Blackhat hackers can do this for arrange of reasons to slang profit or as a hobby. They may also send other users viruses, meshwork worms or spam them. This type of hacker is known as the bad guy in the ready reckoner world.Botnet Is a software robot, when a spammer sends out viruses to general users a Bot is attached to it. Once the spammer has control of the infected information processing systems and then they will have to barter for a Botnet which then lets them operate the control lead ready reckoners, then the spammer will send out a message to the computing devices cause them to send spam to mail servers, resulting in users opening up there mail will have tons of junk.Denial of service Is an plan of attack which leaves users with out use of the go of a website which they would normally use. The DoS attack does not normally mean the controller of it has stolen information, but has cost the company which it has targeted money and time. This can cause users that use that companys website to purchase what they want from some other website meaning that companys business rivals are making money from the DoS attack on them.Exploit Is a software which contains commands that take advantage of a computer arrangement with weak surety, th e purpose of an exploit is to give a user more privileges on a computer system allowing them to nark more data which was previously restricted from them. A weakness in the exploit is that it stops hurry when a newer version of the software is installed.Keylogger Is a device which you can get as software or hardware it is joined or installed inside your keyboard. Its function is to log in keystrokes. There are numerous different reasons why we may use this such as helping fix computer system errors or seeing how an employee users there keyboard to see if there good at there job. You can purchase Keyloggers off the internet.Malware Is a software, its task is to damage a computer system such as to give a computer system a virus. Malware gets its name from the beginning of the word malicious and the outcome of the word software. Malwares include arrange of harmful programs such as computer viruses, worms, Trojans, rootkits and sometimes adware. software program sniffing Is a softw are or hardware which is used to analyze traffic that is passing through over a engagement. The packet sniffer checks each packet then decodes them so that they can be analyzed, to check there content. The analyzing is useful for finding out network problems, monitor network usage from users and debug client and network protocols. This will help maintain a network.Phishing Is a term given that is a breech of security by a hacker. Such as attempting to acquire sensitive information on other computer users like there usernames, passwords and credit card information. The hackers target popular websites such as eBay, MySpace and PayPal. They get constipate of users personnel information by sending fake emails pretending to by your bank.Piggybacking Is a computer word which refers to a user connecting there laptop or computer to another persons internet connection. Then using the internet without the permission of the owner of the internet connection. But if you own a caf and have a ho tspot this is not considered piggybacking because you have given permission to people to use your hotspot to connect to the internet.Spyware Is a computer software that is secretly installed on to your computer and can take control over somethings that you do on it. It can install software which you did not want on your computer also it can make you go on websites that you did not click to go on and it could led you to harmful viruses that could affect your computer. When turning off your computer spyware can even change your computer settings.Trojan A Trojan is a computer virus that appears on your computer designed to cause your computer harm. It has been know to be similar to a worm. Some Trojans may not cause harm to your computer but the six main types of Trojans are ones that cause remote access, data destruction, download, get on to a server, anti viruses software disabler and denial of service attack.Whitehat Is the name given to a hacker, whos purpose is to frustrate a br eech of security within a company or organization. They are normally industrious by a company to protect against there counterparts blackhat hackers who want to hack and steal information and data that does not belong to them. In the computing world the Whitehat hacker is know as the good guy. sprain Is a computer program which sends copies of its self to networks, designed to cause harm to the network that they have targeted. It likes to play out up the bandwidth used on the network. Worms can also cause serious harm and damage to a computer operating system by attacking the weak parts of the computer.Zero-day Attack Is a scourge to computers, by trying to take control of computer applications that are unknown or patchfree. The attacker that controls the zero-day attack normally sets it up on a public forum because of the number of users that it could affect. living dead Is a computer that has been attached to the internet by a computer hacker. The owners of zombie computers do n ot know that there computers have be compromised. They are normally used as part of a botnet, but darn they have been put in zombie mode the hacker can use other users computers to send Trojans or other harmful viruses.ResourcesAdwarehttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AdwareBlackhathttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_hatBotnethttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Botnethttp//www.ibiblio.org/botnet/flora/indexstart.htmlDenial of servicehttp//searchsoftwarequality.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid92_gci213591,00.htmlExploithttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploit_(computer_security)Keyloggerhttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keystroke_logginghttp//www.actualspy.com/Malwarehttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malwarehttp//www.microsoft.com/technet/security/alerts/info/malware.mspxPacket sniffinghttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Packet_snifferhttp//netsecurity.about.com/cs/hackertools/a/aa121403.htmPhishinghttp//www.antiphishing.org/http//www.webopedia.com/TERM/p/phishing.htmlPiggybackinghttp//www.thefreedictionary.com/piggybacking Spywarehttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpywareTrojanhttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trojan_horse_(computing)Whitehathttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_hatWormhttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_wormProtecting_against_dangerous_computer_wormsZero-day Attackhttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-Day_Attackhttp//www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-zero-day-attack.htmZombiehttp//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_computer

Monday, April 15, 2019

Ielts Essays Essay Example for Free

Ielts Essays Essay1. Sample examine all(prenominal) week millions of wad buy draftsmanship tickets, hoping their sm totally investment will subscribe them rich. They often opine that if they won a million dollars, their troubles would be over. If they actually got the gold, would their dreams come true?Whether hoi polloi live happily ever aft(prenominal) when they win the draftsmanship probably depends on what their dreams be. M consentaneousnessy tush buy rough things but non others.Cash buys ho determinations, cars, and college educations it pays for aesculapian treatment and clears up overdue bills. M oney also purchases travel and new experiences. A million dollars could support soul to quit a tough, boring job and try for several(prenominal)thing split up. It could croupe a olfactory modality of security.On the other hand, winning so much money could actually cause some problems. A soulfulness who quit working index even outtually become bored or lose some self-respect. Family members baron squabble over what should be purchased. Long-lost friends, relatives, and even complete strangers be likely to want a handout. The master mustiness then decide whom to athletic supporter and whom to offend.Despite all these drawbacks, I would rather win the money than non. The difficulties of having to manage a million dollars argon troubles I would like to spend a penny.2. Sample essayAfter the screw up is born, things will never be the comparable. People say that to take overant parents-and they are rightIt will be a long clock before those parents cornerstone again sleep late in the morning. A baby wakes similarly soon, screaming for food. The toddler thinks 6 a.m. is the right time to start the day. After that come early school mornings.It will be socio-economic classs before the parents sens go anywhere together on the spur of the moment. Every outing must be planned forward so that a broody can be found. The budge t will be stretched, the work load will get heavier, and by the time parents can be completely, they whitethorn be too tired to talk.Still, peck want children. wherefore?One reason is that children are a link to the future. They will probably be here after the parents are gone. In addition, their children will live after them.A deeper reason for wanting children, perhaps, is that the more mess we beat to love, the more fulfilled our lives can be. By giving to a child, plenty enrich their suffer lives. In the end, we live not only for ourselves, but for others.3. Sample essayIt hurts to look at a paycheck and gather in how much of it was taken out for income tax. That money could pass on paid some fundamental bills. It is easy to dream of doing a charge with the income tax and keeping all that money for ourselves.If there were no income tax, however, the presidency would have a jalopy less to spend. The money we send to Washington seems to fall into a scorch hole and dis appear. Actually, though, some people depend on it. The money pays the salaries of brass employees, who provide services from dose control to highway building. It supports our military defense. Also, much of the money is returned to people in the plant of student loans, veterans benefits, and payments to farmers, for example. The government has been working to cut its budget lately. With every cut, someone complains loudly.So if the income tax were eliminated, other taxes would have to make up for it. Paying those other taxes would also hurt. Sales taxes fall just about heavilyon suffering people. Taxes on manufacturers only result in higher prices to consumers.Income taxes are not fun to pay. But doing without them would be worse. In my opinion, income taxes should be make as fair as possible. Then we each must ribaldry the bullet and do our touch.4. Sample essayTelevision has changed both the way we spend our time and what we have sex virtually the world. Some of the cha nges brought by goggle box have improved our way of liveliness, but others have do it worse.People instantly on the average spend several hours a day watching television. In times past, they would sit on their front steps and visit on nice evenings. This neighborly see built close friendships, but it seldom takes pasture any longer. Even though families may all watch TV together, they may not communicate much. Some women have beefed themselves sports widows because their husbands spend every well-kept minute watching televised football, baseball, and other sports.On the other hand, people have molded more about the world because of television. People in small towns know more about the city, and people in cities have learned about the country. Politicians, celebrities, wars, and disasters appear in the living room. Programs take beautys to the bottom of the sea, the tops of mountains, and even outer space.Some people think television leads to violence, immorality, and gree d for possessions. I am not indisputable whether this is true. However, good or bad, TV is here to stay. It is up to each of us to make the most of its opportunities and bend its problems.5. Sample essayWhen lack of money prevents us from having something we want very much, it istempting to dream of be rich. It is hard to keep in mind that Americans are already sozzled compared with people in legion(predicate) other parts of the world. Our modern conveniences would have been the envy of kings in times past. Just the same, most people would like a larger. Whether most people are capable of making a lot of money is another question.People in average circumstances can often get forward through education, hard work, and careful money management. But getting ahead is not the same as actually becoming rich.Only a small percentage of Americans could be called truly wealthinessy. Some people joined this group from ordinary beginnings. Usually they have done it by carefully riding som e major development in the economy on its way up. In the past, great fortunes have been made in oil, steel, and railroads. Recently, some people have made millions in computers and real estate.Usually, though, it takes money to make money. macroscopic investors often start rich and then get richer.Most of us cannot strike oil or start the next new technical breakthrough. Most people are not born into wealthy families, either. In America it certainly is possible to become more prosperous. But unless someone wins the lottery, real wealth is not very likely to come along.6. Sample essayYou come home only if after a long day at work. You open the door to your home. No one is there. Is it blessed quieten you hear or echoing emptiness?The millions of people who live alone like a shot may have either experience. Some love living alone, yet others wish they didnt have to.When they open that door at dark, people who live alone do not have to put up with demands or harken to someones n oise or meet anyones dinner deadlines. They do not have to debate about which TV program to watch orstay off the phone because someone else is expecting an significant call. No one else messes up their kitchen.But when they are sick, no one else will bring them an aspirin or call the doctor. Preparing dinner for one can be difficult, and eating dinner for one night after night can be very lonely. Perhaps no one really cares what they did all day. If they are feeling sad, there may be no one to cheer them up. Some people who live alone say the worst times come when something very good happens because there is no one to share the joy.During the course of a lifetime, one may sometimes live with others and sometimes live alone. Each way of life has its advantages. Learning to take advantage of them is one key to contentment.7. Sample essaySports includes both content squads and the aggroups for the rest of us. The national teams are mainly refer with winning and with money. The oth er teams are mainly concerned with winning and with money. The other teams provide diverse satisfactions.Being on a team helps people learn teamwork to rely on others and to do their own part as well. Players learn both to win and to lose. When the team loses, the members learn that they can come back from a loss. They look for the reasons they were beaten, work on their weaknesses, and try again. When the team wins, the members can learn to be gracious winners and good sports.Sports are also for play. Most of us have work to do most of the time. Now and then we take aim to have fun. Sports can provide the time to relax.If a team helps people learn to work together, lose win, and have fun, its a winner disregarding of the score. But if players on a winning team have not worked together, if they feel that winning makes them better than others, if there was no joy in the sport, those winners are losers.Having the winning score is important. Being a winner as a person is charge ev en more.8. Sample essayAdvertisers who directly attack their competitors may amuse me if they do it cleverly. However, they have probably lost me as a customer.Companies who attack their gibes remind me of people who boost their egos by criticizing others. When people do this, I often suspect they have little to cranny and may even have something to hide. I would rather drive out what is good about a person, not what is bad about someone else.Similarly, I like advertising that lets me know about products that might meet my needs. I dont lead much faith in ads telling me what may be do by with a rival product. I tend to suspect that the information could be biased.I also weigh advertisers are foolish to name their rivals because by doing so they give the competing product free publicity. If the competition is deserving attacking, I tend to think it may actually have something to offer.In advertising, as in life, I believe we should try to be the best we can be, without belittl ing the next person or the rival product.9. Sample essayThree generations living together can have both financial and private advantages. On the other hand, it can also have personal disadvantages.In years past and today, collar generations have probably lived together mostly out of economic necessity or advantage. Sometimes a young family moves in with the older generation because the husband and wife cant afford a place of their own. Sometimes grandparents move in because they arent well enough or cant afford to live alone anymore. Occasionally, grandparents come to take care of the children so both parents can work. Intimes past, and sometimes today, tether generations have lived together because they all depended on the same farm or business.Usually these arrangements do help solve financial and practical problems. Everyone has a roof over his or her head. Children and old people in need of care are likely to get it. Often a family can get ahead financially by sharing the wo rk and the bills. In addition, a strong sense of family and of belonging can develop in everyone.What may be harder to work out are questions of whos in charge. If grandparents dont let go of some authority, the middle generation is likely to resent it. On the other hand, ailing grandparents may pierce their children to be parents to them and to their own children as well. If parents and grandparents disagree on discipline, children may be confused or angry.The personal disadvantages can be overcome. For three generations to live together luckyly, everyones needs must be respected.10. Sample essayTelevision news shows are dramatic and interesting. Watching them is pleasant and does not require the effort of reading. If television did not cover the news, some people would know nothing about what is going on in the world.However, television newscasters cover only the events that they have time for, and they prefer stories that include some dramatic pictures. viewers are quickly bore d with reporters who sit and talk into the camera. As a result, a complicated paper is often cut short.Newspapers and magazines do a better job of explaining complex events. They can include details, and a person with a special interest can take the time to read them. some others can cause to the headlines.Reading allows more freedom of choice than television. The TV audience cannot decide which stories to watch. In broadcasting, one size of it fits all.However, a person who reads newspapers and magazines can choose to spend time on business, sports, health, or the school climb on election, depending on special interests.Television provides a useful glance at whats happening. However, a person who has person interests and who wants the whole story needs newspapers and magazines as well.11. Sample essaySome people live in one community all their lives, while others move around almost as much as nomads. Both experiences have their advantages and disadvantages.People who stay in one spot can develop womb-to-tomb friendships, and such friends may lend a hand if trouble comes. They know each others life history, and they sample each other for the kind of person each is, not for the image each projects.Yet consumption a lifetime in one location can also lock a person into a limited way of life. Personal change may become very difficult. People with fewer experiences may develop a narrow prospect and find it hard to understand those who have different ethnic, racial, or religious backgrounds.On the other hand, moving to different parts of the country is usually stressful. A person may feel lost and uprooted in a place where streets, stores, schools, and churches all are different. At first there are no friends to help.However, those who do move learn that people in other places have a variety of outlooks. There is a chance to appreciate different ways of life and even to choose the way one likes best.For a person who moves to a different place year after y ear, the disadvantages of moving probably outweigh the advantages. But a few movesare probably worth the effort. By staying in each place for a length of time, people can broaden their outlook but have enough time to make adjustment and form friendships.12. Sample essayThe simple machine has probably changed peoples way of life more than any other invention of the last century. More than galvanic lights, television, air travel, or even computers, automobiles have changed where people live and work, how they make a living, and even how they find a mate.Before there were cars, people generally traveled on foot or by horse and buggy over unpaved roads. Whether they lived in the city or the country, they rarely went far than a few miles from home. They saw the same people and places year after year.The car opened up whole new worlds. Roads were paved, and motorists went to see different parts of the country. Some decided to stay. People with cars could live farther from their jobs, a nd so the age of commuting began. New suburbs sprang up around the cities. The auto industry boomed, and millions of Americans made a living manufacturing, selling, servicing, or insuring cars.As more people got cars, your people began driving them. No longer was case confined to the girls front porch, under the watchful eye of her parents. The automobile began the sexual revolution.Some people believe that commuting, suburban life, and courting in cars are mixed blessings. Whether the changes are good or bad, they seem to be here to stay.13. Sample essayMany people complain that modern society is too materialistic. Other people, they say, place too great an importance on material property. Rather thanvalue values, these critics insist, people today value things.There is no doubt that we live in a material, consumer-oriented society. In economic terms, consumers use products in everyday language, they acquire things TVs, cars, clothes, furniture. This kind of materialism can actual ly be good for a society since it helps create jobs. When people have jobs, they acquire self-respect along with the money they need to provide the material things they and their families require.It is true, on the other hand, that many people have taken healthy consumerism too far. philistinism is evident when an otherwise intelligent person goes into debt charging things that he or she cannot pay for. Materialism is evident when people insist on buying a particular designer label even though the same quality can be found in a cheaper product. Materialism is evident when people are judged and admired for what they own rather than what they are or can do.Even if society has gone too far in the direction of materialism, as some say, the individual person doesnt need to surrender. He or she can still value honesty, integrity, freedom, talent, quality, and all the other values there are to value and conk the materialism to others.14. Sample essayPeople spend a great deal of time, mon ey, and energy to see or read about movie stars, TV actors, singers, and athletes. Such celebrities often become idols. Posters, T-shirts, fan clubs, and attending at live performances prove that. What do celebrities do to merit this attention?Celebrities create fervour. They create excitement because they have done something or can do something that supposedly not everyone else can do. Raising a child, waking early to go to work each morning, building a home and a place in the community-these achievements actually deserve more admiration than rolling through Beverly Hills in a limousine or jetting across the Atlantic to star in a new movie. Yet because these achievementsare part of many peoples everyday lives, they are not considered special. Celebrities help us dream by lifting us out of our everyday lives and imagining ourselves doing other than everyday activities.Celebrities also set styles. They become models for behavior, clothing, and hairdos. Just consider battery-acid Presley or the Beatles, for example. Celebrities also influence politics, as Bob Hope and Robert Redford have done.Celebrities fibres as special people and trendsetters, then, are the reason for the attention many of us lavish on them. In many ways, the celebrities of today have merely replaced the kings and queens of old.15. Sample essayMost people want to be successful in life, but success can come about in four ways fame, money, knowledge, and pleasure. victor is also usually characterized by the word more to be successful, people feel they have to be more famous, have more money, absorb more information, or enjoy life more.Success does not need to be characterized by quantity, however. Instead, you can measure the success of your life by its quality. It is not important, for example, how many people know you but who knows you and for what. Working in your community or on good relationships with family and friends can bring quality fame. Earning less money but spending it wisel y and learning the joy frugality is another way to succeed. Learning more so that you can turn around and teach someone else produces quality knowledge. And finally, all the above will most likely bring you quality success in enjoying the pleasures of living.Success, in conclusion, can be seen in different ways by different people. Only one thing is sure. No matter what other people see, the only one who knows whether youre succeeded is you.16. Sample essayEvery year billions of dollars are spent on advertising. Many approaches are used to persuade consumers to buy a product. Some seem to work better than others.One approach, for example, is to try to make the reader or viewer identify with the people shown using the product. These people seem to be glamorous, loved, successful, elite, clever, or sexy. Supposedly, anyone who uses the product can expect the same reward. Another approach is to let the product speak for itself people are attracted to scrumptious food, charming clothi ng, and sleek new cars. Sometimes good prices and special deals are the focus. Ads for complicated products, such as computers, may provide a lot of information. Endorsements by celebrities are especially common.In general, many of the ads succeed. People do tend to buy what they see advertised. However, some advertising can backfire. People may be offended, for example, by ads that are overly sexy or ones that viciously or sarcastically attack competitors products.Advertising can be a useful aid for the consumer. It helps a person learn what is new or in style or handy to have around, what things cost, and where to buy them. To use this information effectively, however, a person must learn to look past the emotional appeals and find the facts.17. Sample essaySome animals are pets, some are wild, and many of them provide us with food. All have a different and important role in our lives.It is easy to forget that the steak at the supermarket once formed part of a steer. But without house servant animals such as chickens and cattle, we would all be vegetarians, or a great deal of our time would need to be spent hunting.Wild animals attract sport hunters. For some people they are even animportant source of food. When urban people visit the wild, deer, bears, and other wild animals remind them of an older way of life.Pets, however, are the animals that are especially significant for most of us. They are undemanding companions they love us when we are not at our best. A pet can be a great comfort when life seems hard.For children, pets can be both fun and instructive. If a child cares for a pet, he or she learns to take responsibility for another being. Watching kittens or puppies being born can be a natural form of sex education. For children, as for adults, pets are loving companions and a help in tough time.As I recall, an Indian chief once said, Without our brothers, the animals, we would all be very lonely. I believe he was right.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Super Kikay and Her Flying Pagong Essay Example for Free

topnotch Kikay and Her Flying Pagong canvasThe turtle is a wizardly and gave Kikay the male monarch to save humankind and the sea creatures. It is her duty to protect the ocean deep from the colossus small Octopus and its master disciple from getting the magical pearl that gives flavor to the ocean deep. As a training, Super Kikay fly around their town and try to solve the problems and difficulties of former(a) people. Some of the problems she solve was to help a stuck jeepney get off the mud. She also redeemd a girlfriend that almost fall from the ferries wheel and stop the illegal fishers from destroying the ocean by using dynamites to catch fish. subsequently her training, Dong pagong instructed her to get the magical pearl and bring it to their land to prevent the giant octopus from determination it in the ocean. Kikay transforms into Super K and dive into the ocean to get the magical pearl.She easily rear the magical pearl but she was also seen by the giant octo pus and followed her into the land. When Super K noticed that the giant octopus followed her, she immediately dug a hole to hide the magical pearl but she forgot to sink it. Super K and the giant octopus fight each other. Super K almost get the better of the giant octopus but she was easily beaten because the giant octopus fired a scorch ink on her face and temporarily blinded her giving the octopus time to escape w/ the magical pearl. Super Ks brother was also kidnapped by the giant octopus while she was temporarily blinded. The next morning, Dong pagong told Kikay that she must get the magical pearl from the giant octopus to prevent the fishes from dying.Kikay transformed into Super K once again to find the giant octopus and get the magical pearl and also to rescue her younger brother. Horje (the scientist who created the giant octopus) eliminated the giant octopus because he thinks that the giant octopus may be a barricade on his plans (he plans to sell the magical pearl to foreigners for 100,000 million pesos) Super K heard the heavy weapon shot that was fired from Horjes gun. She thought that shot her younger brother but later on found out that Horje killed the giant octopus and not her younger brother.After letting her younger brother escaped, she pursued Horje until she cornered him. They fought fiercely until she have beaten Horje and get the magical pearl. Super K go posterior on their town and returned the magical pearl into the ocean. After the returning the magical pearl, the ocean became clean again and all the fishes were happy and thanking Super K for saving them. Dong pagong did not take back the power that she has given to Kikay because he knows that Kikay will use her powers to help humans.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Essay Example for Free

The blossom of leave out Jean Brodie EssayThe Prime of flatten Jean Brodie (1961), The French Lieutenants Woman (1969), and bootleg Tiger (1987) all c over various aspects of inclination such as the woman as a intimate object of want, knowledgeable develop manpowert, repressed intimateity, and variations of sexuality. all(a) three novels cover the womans primordial sexual experiences from childhood, the prevailing Madonna image of the woman accepted by society, sexual liberation, and their unconventional livelihoodstyles.All tidy sum in the United Kingdom, the stories traces and discloses the life of the English woman. The novels are written in the post mid-sixties after the sexual revolution where many sexual taboos are lifted and most people musical note an individualistic, unchecked freedom to express their desires. In the novel, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1961), the style is self-explanatory in dealing with the issue of desire for the prime does not only sign ify having the best of health, and too enjoying ones peak in sexuality or sexual activity.Miss Jean Brodie is a young, bachelorette t from each oneer who is in quest of a partner so as she enters the realm of school, she has to confront desire in fellow teachers, Mr. Lloyd (a married man) and Mr. Lowther. Throughout the novel, Brodie manipulates both men with whom she has a triangular love affair. Her pupils be in (Miss Brodie) the only sex-bestirred object in their daily environment (Spark 50). She awes the Brodie set with her past love personal matters and lays bare to their view her sex life.The principal and some of the teaching staff frown on her educational deviance and continue to probe into her sexual life in point to set up Brodie for a downfall. Desire is also manifests itself in the school girls, more commonly called the Brodie set as the book spans their insipid periods (pun intended). Like a bildungsroman novel, Sparks traces the development of the six girls as th ey grow into women under the watchful eye of Miss Brodie. In the early chapters of the novel, Sparks observes that the socio-economic class to come was in many ways the most sexual year for the Brodie set (Spark 45).At the start, Brodie begins educating them at age ten and maintains active interaction with them until they are eighteen, therefore Brodie and the Brodie set are both in their prime of life. Through her, they glean much information about sexual maturity, menstruation, and love. Because sex is taboo, they live in a restrained environment where sexuality is subtle if not alone cloaked (to which Sandys monastic life and the s hobodalous nature of open sexuality point). A juxtaposition of opposites of desire also arises in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie where innocence seduces and experience repulses.Sparks describes blush Stanley as being famous for sex (Spark 57) because of her attractive appeal how invariably she confesses that Brodies erotic personal business inspire no desire within her and remains indifferent to sex although she generates wide passion. On the separate hand, after Sandy has sexual intercourse with Mr. Lloyd, she converts to the Roman Catholic church, choosing to lead the celibate life of a nun (Sparks 132). Her one-time sexual experience has made her turn away from living a promiscuous life as her teacher, Brodie does.In The French Lieutenants Woman (1969), is a novel replete with sexual desire and the sexualized, objectification of the woman. The beginning of the novel begins with male voyeurism as John Fowles the telescopist (Fowles 2) peers through his binoculars looking at an engaged couple, Charles and Ernestina, walking along the seaside and then turns his vision to Sarah, stretching eyes west over the sea wind foul or fair, always stood she prospect-impressed (Fowles 1), longing and disappointed in love, staring at the sea. These three individuals are all in their sexual prime but are frustrated romantically.The title o f the novel, The French Lieutenants Woman, also relegates an inferior position to the woman, for her identity is hidden and thus unlike apart from her association with the French lieutenant. The overwhelming and provocative interest in Sarah arouses not only Fowles, but Charles. The rest of the village also looks at her as a specimen embodying strangeness, yet rare attraction. Although ill-famed rumors fly, which she does not attempt to contradict, she notwith stand incites much attraction and performs to perfection her role an object of desire.Repressed desire functions to provide insight into the society and its acceptance of different expressions of desire in individuals. Fowles tells us that Ernestina, the first mentioned bride-to-be of Charles, lives a sexually repressed life peculiar to the priggish Age, the time frame of the novel. The telescopist observes her outfit which was fair(prenominal) by way of compensation for so much of her expected behavior (Fowles 3). Charles soon gets bored with Ernestina for her plain, Victorian outlook cannot satisfy his sexual desires. More overt sexual desire adds to the enigma and resultant desirability.This expression proves true as Charles fascination for Ernestina transfers to Sarah, whom society has ostracized and abandoned. The epitome of sexual repression is Mrs. Poulteney who is reputed for her piety, charity, and tyranny. Living under the roof of Mrs. Poulteney imposes Sarah with restrictions on her whereabouts and by extension, associations. Poulteney thinks herself always in the right therefore, the unorthodox or bohemian would never sit swell up with her. As a consequence of differences in desire, Sarah and Mrs. Poulteney ultimately part ways as Sarah repeatedly flouts Mrs.Poulteneys commands to not follow a particular path along the farmhouse. This statement is pregnant with meaning since Sarah still ventures out alone, which works against mainstream directives. Out of Mrs. Poulteneys stifling contro l, Sarah could reveal her sexual desire more liberally. espousal is no longer held as the only institution under which one fulfilled sexual desire. Charles and Sarah deliver sexual encounters, although unmarried. In the end, Sarah chooses not to marry however she continues to live an unconventional life with the Pre-Raphaelite artists which collected controversial art and literature.Charles still desires marriage as a means of consolidating the union between him and Sarah, however, Sarah rebuffs him, standing unique as a Victorian woman who does not aspire to marriage or family. mope Tiger (1987), authored by Penelope Lively, chronicles the life of a bohemian woman who lives a sexually unbridled life, hinged on desire. Unlike most women, she never falls into the regular, mainstream category of female person tradition. Accounts of incest, homosexuality, and promiscuity pepper this novel, reservation it non-conventional and iconoclastic.The novel traces the sexual development of her and her brother, Gordon from the first stirrings of sexual desire (Lively 25). They undergo many changes during which they carry on an early incestuous blood. Their filial and sexual ties permeate their lives. Desire is the compass which leads the sibling duo to each others arms. Moon Tiger explores incestuous desire, parallels historical records of incest, and justifies it. While doing coverage in Cairo, Egypt during WW II, a tour guide mentions that the wife of pharaoh was also the sister of pharaoh.He is loving his sisterincest said the force Padre, quite acceptable in those days apparently (Lively 74). The incestuous desire runs through the book at once both siblings are alive for they both object to each others sexual partners and attend unfulfilled in their own relationships. Claudia confesses that desire for Gordon never extinguishes in her life and when he dies. When Claudia and Gordon reveal their incestuous relations to Sylvia and Mrs. Hampton, Claudia gets physic ally sick and is emotionally disturbed. Yet, the two prefer to classify their relationship as classical, really high class.Look at the Greeks (Lively 142). Since this book is written by a historian, several references to world taradiddle are not uncommon. The Greeks were a people who are said to found classic civilization and who prefer incest and homosexuality. Claudia rejects wifehood and motherhood as a bohemian woman. Claudia does not have the inclination to marry and rejects the proposals of several men to marriage. She prefers to preserve her own freedom by remaining single. Jasper offers to marry Claudia after finding out that she bears their child.Although she gets impregnated a few times, she refuses marriage as a way out to escape reproof. She attests that no one has ever married Claudia (Lively 53) which not only appears as a confession, but also a resolution. Gordon marries and settles down with Sylvia, and it can be argued that because she cannot marry her brother, s he spurns marriage. In spite of her lack of will to get married, Claudia chooses to have a sexual field day (Lively 91). Working in a male dominated realm allows Claudia opportunity to explore more desire in herself and sparks the desire of other male soldiers in the camp.A highly coveted woman, she enjoys herself as the men make erotic advances to her especially since women are rare. She also denies her daughter, Lisa, a maternal relationship since her birth came about with a man for whom she does not love enough to marry. In sum, the novels all dig into womans desire and the ways in which she expresses her sexuality whether covertly or openly, conventionally or otherwise. Desire drives the women to pursue passionate relationships, where they either become fulfilled or hurt.Within framework of female desire is male sexuality which is sparked by the female presence. The texts deal with the recourses which women have to take in order to live contentedly with themselves, their sexua l desires, and their partners and point the reader to wider considerations such as culture, belief systems, and the woman question. works CitedFowles, John. The French Lieutenants Woman. Back Bay Books. , 1998 Lively, Penelope. Moon Tiger. Grove Atlantic Inc, New York, 1989. Sparks, Muriel. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. Harper Collins Publishers, United Kingdom, 1984.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Tears of the Tiger Essay Example for Free

Tears of the Tiger hearIn Sharon Drapers novel Tears of a Tiger various character deal with a particular ch on the wholeenge or obstacle. Andy Jackson face conflicts with other individuals, their societies, and themselves.Andy conflict with his father shows through knocked out(p) the allegory and is consistent. Mr.Jackson pressures Andy way too much which leads to arguments between them. You seem to be doin a fine play of inspirationin my dreams and planning my future. Maybe I dont wanna be accepted to white folks (Andy knave 153). Mr.Jackson pressures Andy a lot with school and keeping his grades up, so Andy can get into college and bleed in dividing line administration. Andy does not want to do that with his life, its not his dream but his fathers dream for him. Mr.Jackson want Andy to have a bright future but does not consider his son tactile property or what he wants to do with his future. Andy and Mr. Jackson arguments come from exception his father has for him.Rac ism in this story plays a pretty big role, Andy puts up with his teachers being racist and also with rules of order. Mr.Jackson secernates Andy how society works alone you must, Thats the only way to make it in this world to assimilate into the society in which we lie in in thats why you must pull up your grades and improve your attitude. Mr.Jackson tells Andy that he must work hard in life to be accepted by white people. He said that how society works. Andy does not like what his father is saying to him because it doesnt bother him that black people are undistinguished to white people. Andy feels white people look down on like his teachers do.Depression is a sincerely consistent conflicts that Andy tries to deal with but deals with it. Andys depression takes over him, he could not control it any longer because he couldnt get over the death of Rob. In Andys Poem he tell how he really feels inside. its dark where I am and cannot find the light. There are shadows all around me and my heart is full of fright. The poem shows the state of mind in which hes in. He feel that he has no one. The aloneness comes from him losing his best friend. Andy cant moot slap-up because he is so depression he doesnt know what to do anymore he think he has no one to talk to be he does not realise that so more people are trying to him throught thing but Andy just doesnt see it . The Depression is what makes Andy struggle with life.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Post-Compulsory Education and Training Essay Example for Free

Post-Compulsory Education and Training Essay* discipline Objectives Justify your choice by annexe to the cohort analysis, scheme of work and the assessment schedule.LO1 To be assignd to the substance of Autism and Aspergers syndrome, and comp argon and contrast the difference between the two conditions.LO2 After ceremonial occasion a video, entirely learners impart be able to discuss the triad of impairments touch baseed with autism.LO3 whole learners entrust be introduced to the consideration Theory of Mind and how this develops in children.LO4 every last(predicate) learners entrust be able to identify the key components of The whirl Anne study. Most learners impart able to summarise its strengths and weaknesses in accompaniment Theory of Mind.LO5 Most learners exit mighty set an OCR ult paper exam question on Baron-Cohen.LO6 All learners will consolidate their intimacy with an synergistic plenary on the topic covered in todays academic session.The aims and objectives in this lesson were chosen in order to relate to OCR Psychology (3.2 AS Unit G542 Core Studies)Allowing the students to be sure of this link to the assessment criteria will keep them motivated, and give their acquire purpose to aim for a long enclosure goal. The education Objectives move over been differentiated to furnish for culture to take place at both levels, and to altogetherow for inclusion for every, despite the fact that candidates may adopt difficulties i.e. one learner has Aspergers syndrome, and another has dyspraxia. These objectives will be achieved using each(prenominal) 3 VAK cultivation styles.(Honey and Mumford 1992)The scholarship objectives are differentiated and specific, measureable, achievable, realistic and punctual (SMART) to ensure accessibility (Wallace, 2011) * Teaching and Learning Activities Justify your choice of methods and resources to be accustomd by twin(a) them against eruditeness objectives using reasons a nd evidence from remove models of acquire. The learn and learning activities for this session fill been designed to introduce a current topic in Psychology, Core Studies.As this is an introductory lesson to a topic, I have prepared learning activities which are accessible to all the learners, to ensure that nobody is excluded at any time. (Wallace 2005) All activities are change to accommodate all levels and learning styles (VAK) as pupils are often a combination of visual, audio and kinaesthetic. (Claxton 2002)I will promote inclusiveness during the session by having a list of key words if at any point they are unsure have specific instruction written d throw as well as reading them out. Hand-outs will be granted out with a choice of colour, and supporting any learners one to one where necessary. I intend to keep learners motivated by making everyone olf exercise comfortable and safe in the formroom environment, ensuring a sense of belonging and to meet all learners egoi sm needs encouraging praise and independence where necessary and promote optimism so that all students are self-actualised (Maslow 1908-1970)Ensuring the human-centered learning theory is turn to, I will allow drinks of water when necessary, and provide fairness and equality for all learners. (Disability and Equality Act 2010)Room set-up- Arrange the tables into hosts. This will encourage all learners to get involved (every learner matters) and to organise sure that no learner is seated with their back to me and that I am not sitting down a desk as this creates a physical barrier between the teacher and learner and encourages eye contact. (Wallace 2007)Questioning- Non enjoin questions will be asked at the beginning of the session to assess prior k straight offledge, which will be demonstrate through a thought- shower bath on the board (visual and auditory). Through-out the session the questions will become directed and scaffolded (Bruner, cited in Jarvis 2004) to aid in gai ning knowledge and answers from learners.When asking questions, use learners names your and prior knowledge of their ability and psycheality (as I have never taught this class before, they have been precondition name stickers)This ensures that learners feel valued and supported. (Keeley-Browne 2007)Pre-starter I have included a pre-starter activity, as with it being a 3pm class, students can often come in stuporous and unmotivated. They often need some immediate stimulation, to wake them up and encourage a productive lesson.Starter We will create a though shower (visual) on the board to assess prior knowledge of this new topic being covered, and it gives the learners ownership of their own work, as their input is what gets written on the board. Prior learning experiences have the potential to set up or interfere with new learning (Knox, 1997)Main Learning Process The legal age of the lesson is based around PowerPoint slides, videos and convocation discussion/work. This ensu res that all three domains of learning are being turn to cognitive (thinking in their groups and whilst listening to the presentation), affective (feeling how autistic people may feel after watching the video clips), and psychomotor (applying their knowledge in a hands on task) (Bloom et al, 1971) This adopts VAK learning styles.Everyone benefits from using a wide variety of styles also known as whole brain learning. (Coffield et al 2004) When learners make an arouse observation/ comment, or get an answer enlighten, it is vital to give them praise. Many learners in sixth tier can have low self-esteem therefore large out praise when warranted can enhance their feeling of self-worth and competence by acknowledging their qualities and strengths (Vizard 2007.)Group Work Group work can be a largely effective way of learning, taking strengths from each individual and combining it for model answers. In this session, learners will be split up into groups for part of the task, As wel l as being an enjoyable activity in itself, this provides huge opportunities for learning. It requires that learners process the new material and make personal sense of it. (Petty 2009) From the cohort analysis, I am aware of who works well and encourages/motivates each other.The learners are aware of this themselves, and usually sit with the people/person they work well with. If people are distracted then I will take action by changing the group dynamics. In their groups they will discuss one of the triad of impairments from their prior knowledge and information given on a video. This shows that they can apply the knowledge they have gained the thought shower and video into a new situation. (Blooms Taxonomy application of knowledge.) Once they have completed their group work, they will now share and discuss their ideas with the rest of the class, by sticking their A3 sheet of ideas on the board. (Think, pair, share.)Hand-out- All work sheets are on coloured paper (if possible), wh ich aids any dyslexic learners without them standing out, as the whole class will have the same colours. Everyone who can benefit from further education should be able to embark (John Tomlinson 1996) The PowerPoint presentation will be accessible on Moodle for future reference and revision purposes.Assessment for Learning- A past paper question will be asked in order to assess their level of understanding from the lesson.They will complete the question under exam conditions (no notes or talking, and timed) and peer mark the question. They will be given feedback on which is a model answer, and which isnt sufficient, and I will collect in and monitor progress. It is imperative mood feedback is given (Black William, 1998).Plenary- All learners will participate in an interactive activity to assess and ensure learning has taken place ( formative assessment.) Looking at the cohort analysis, and after a couple of lessons observing this group, I have noticed they work well as a whole cl ass and enjoy interactive plenaries. The flowerpot or No Deal task will allow learners to gain feedback from the teacher, peers and feedback from themselves as they answer questions. It has been suggested that formative feedback has some of the most positive effects on learners.The greatest effect is on the weakest learners (Black and William, 1998) The group can become a little bit chatty and excitable when completing a group task, therefore I will need to manage the noise levels.Rewarding good behaviour and achievement allows learners to be respected and valued for who they are, how hard they have tried and what they have achieved and build up a uncouth and trusting relationship between the teacher and learner, allowing the learner to feel safe and valued in class. This is verbalised as unconditional positive regard (Rodgers 1983)Try and make students feel good about themselves, even when you are criticising their work/ answer and trying to guide them onto the right path (two s tars and a wish)Articulate the standards you have identified, i.e. extend what will actually happen in terms of teaching and learning activities against each standard, Do not just list or re-state the standards you have ticked off.You may group related standards together where they are addressed through one activity.Standard(s) AP 4.1 Use relevant theories of learning to support the development of practice in learning and teaching.voice Use of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. Proving a safe and comfortable learning environment, using praise to build up self- esteem on order to achieve self-actualisation. Blooms Taxonomy was also apply applying the knowledge from the video clips and PowerPoint in the session to the group work on The Triad of Impairments.Standard(s) AP 4.2 Reflect on and demonstrate commitment to improvement of own personal and teaching skills through regular evaluation and use of feedback part I write a rebuke after every taught session.I plan to use De Bonos Thinking Hats after this session, using the feedback gained on the scales given to the class at the beginning and the end of the session.Standards(s) AP 6.2 Demonstrate good practice through maintaining a learning environment which conforms to statutory requirements and promotes equality, including appropriate consideration of the needs of children, young people and vulnerable adults.Articulation This lesson meets the statutory requirements of a teacher required by Cronton Sixth Form College, meets the requirements of the examining body. The lesson filly includes all learners, and the cohort analysis has allowed me to be aware of individual needs and requirements.Standard(s) BP 1.1 Establish a purposeful learning environment where learners feel safe, secure, confident and valued.Articulation Again this links to Abraham Maslows hierarchy of needs, providing a safe classroom environment, allowing for students to pass through all the stages to become self-actualised. Applying Rodgers unconditio nal positive regard throughout the session, rewarding and praising good behaviour will allow for learners to feel valued and respected. Standard(s) BP 2.1 Provide learning activities which meet curriculum requirements and the needs of all learners. Articulation The aims and objectives in this lesson were chosen in order to relate to OCRPsychology (3.2 AS Unit G542 Core Studies)The Learning Objectives are all differentiated, which will meet all learners various needs so ensure learning takes place. This links into Every Learner Matters.Standard(s) BP 2.4 Apply flexible and varied delivery methods as appropriate to teaching and learning practice.Articulation There are many different delivery methods used for learning in this session, allowing for all types of learners to learn and achieve (VAK.) Such methods used are throughout the session are thought showers, questioning, interoperable hands-on activity, video clips, group work, peer assessment an interactive assessment activity.Sta ndards(s) BP 3.1 Communicate effectively and fittingly using different forms of language and media, including written, oral and non-verbal communication, and new and emerge technologies to enhance learningArticulation I will use various forms of communication during the session.Using theory on paralanguage to ensure my body language is open, e.g. no folded arms, eye contact and make sure I circulate the room so everybody feels included. I will have a steady pace, clarity and tone in my discussion and instruction (behaviourist). All meta-language used is listed on a key terms sheet to help with meaning of words, and the PowerPoint is hit and concise. I have implemented video clips on PowerPoint to keep up with emerging technologies, as oppose to me talking all of the time. This breaks up the lesson into chunks (cognitive theory) which makes them gain fulfilment and enjoyment out of the tasks (humanism)Standard(s) BP 3.3 Structure and present information clearly and effectively.Art iculation All information is presented on a PowerPoint, on hand outs and also read out so that it is clear for all students and their learning style. The lesson is all structured, differentiated and timed to allow for learning to take place in all learners.The presentation (including video clips) will be made available on Moodle for future reference and revision purposes.Standards(s) BP 5.1 Select and develop a range of effective resources, including appropriate use of new and emerging technologies.Articulation The resources chosen for this session are varied in learning styles (VAK) and include all 3 theories of learning to ensure the lesson appeals to all, and doesnt get monotonous. There is a PowerPoint presentation, group work, key words hand-out, a leaflet to fill in whilst being accompanies by new and emerging ICT technologies. This includes video clips in the PowerPoint and an interactive Deal or No Deal Plenary.Standards(s) CP 1.1 Ensure that knowledge of own specialist are a is current and appropriate to the teaching context.Articulation I have ensured my knowledge of the topic autism is totally up to date and current. Figures and facts change yearly, so it is important to keep up to date.I have broken down my knowledge of Psychology from my form to A level standard, so it can be inclusive to all learners, whilst still capable of stretchiness and challenging the more able learners.Standards(s) DP 1.2 Plan teaching sessions which meet the aims and needs of individual learners and groups, using a variety of resources, including new and emerging technologiesArticulation This session meets the aims of the curriculum for this module, meets the schemes of work and is differentiated so that it is inclusive to all learners in this cohort (from Aspergers syndrome through to gifted and talented student).The resources compliment the plan and are varied in learning style and theory, whilst adopting new technology methods, such as interactive games for plenary i n formative assessment.Standards(s) EP 1.3 Develop, establish and promote peer and self-assessment tools, including where appropriate, those which exploit new and emerging technologies. Articulation This lesson will populate of them self-assessing their initial knowledge of autism, whilst continually self-assessing through the lesson. I will reinforce this with praise at correct answers and good feedback, and guide it through direct and non-directed questioning. Peer assessment will take place during the formative assessment (past paper questioning) Standard(s) EP 2.1 Apply appropriate methods of assessment fairly and effectively.Articulation Directed and non-directed questioning is used giving learners at all levels the opportunity to participate in the lesson. The Deal or No Deal formative assessment task allows all learners to participate, and makes assessing what they have learnt interactive and fun.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Black Social Movements Essay Example for Free

Black Social Movements EssayThe political and social structure of the united States squeeze out be difficult to comprehend. How does one rationalize that in 1776, America decl atomic number 18d its independence from England by stating, in start out that We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, yet, in 1818, in the very same country, Frederick Douglass is natural a slave? (Jefferson, 2004 p. 612 Library). It appears that under certain circumstances, it is not self-evident that the Right to Liberty is unalienable.Fortunately, America has progressed, and period it would be difficult to support the position that Blacks have arrived at a point of complete blondness with Whites, it is safe to say that giant strides have been made, just these strides have required action in the de distinguish of organized socia l movements. Blumer (1939) stated that social movements can be viewed as collective enterprises to establish a new order of life. They have their inception in the condition of unrest, and derive their motive power on one hand from dissatisfaction with the current form of life, and on the other hand, from wishes and hopes for a new scheme or system of living (p.199). This analysis captures the meaning and significance of todays Black social movements that epoch the Black alliance now enjoys an increased equality and level of privilege when compared with what it was allowed in the recent past, thither remains significant ground to be c all overed before true parity can be reached. The certainness of this need within the Black community has created both unrest and dissatisfaction, but past successes in the fight for social equality have nurtured a desire for even more change.One of the nigh influential areas of newfang lead, American society is the mediaspecifically televisionand it is here that an important social movement can be traced the increased inclusion of Blacks on T. V. During the 1950s, shows like I Love Lucy, The Honeymooners, and Dick Clarks American Bandstand all premiered (List of days in television). Each of these shows featured characters and storylines that dealt with an America that was portrayed as White. travel into the 1960s, a time of great advances in the peoples struggle for racial equality, the television go down along featured the premier of The Dick Van Dyke Show, Green Acres, and the original thaumaturgist Trek (List of eld in television). This decades entertainment also featured a predominantly White world-view however, Star Treks promise to go where no man has gone before was as more a testament to the people, issues, and possibilities that were at the fore appear of social make betterment as it was a reference to dummy travel (Star Trek The Original Series).To the credit of Star Treks creator, Gene Roddenberry, his mu lti-racial, multi-gender crew, included Nichelle Nichols as Lieutenant Uhura, a stunning, articulate, high-ranking, black woman whose role it was to keep lines of communication open. This was a step in the right direction for Blacks as it allowed White America to absorb a new concept Blacks are intelligent, responsible, and worthy of authority they do not exist merely to dust, clear tables, and act as the cigarette of jokes.Currently, the face of television has become far more diverse, and at that place are networks such as aim (Black Entertainment Television) that cater to and feature Blacks. It is my belief that the change that has taken place in television media over the last half-century can be attributed to the increased awareness of those who once had sole control of the medium (Whites), match with the increase in buying power of Blacks, and the desire on the air division of Blacks to assume command of part of television (e. g. BET).The fact that Blacks desire greater rep resentation and control within television media is part of the ongoing, modern social movement towards equality that the Black community embraces. What does this all mean? Primarily, it means that social changes come about slowly, pushed by two forces natural social change, and progressive social movements. It was natural that at rough point someone would include a character like Lieutenant Uhura in a series, but along with this natural progression, more action was needed.There was only one Uhura on television, but there were thousands of Black women like her out in the world. This is why networks such as BET are so important they represent an active social movement in the Black community an insistence that part of the focus, part of the power, and part of the control be in the hands of Blacks. It may be true that our Nations Declaration of Independence seemed to say one thing but represent another however, Frederick Douglass survived the meld message and went on to contribute si gnificantly to American history and ideals.Todays Blacks are aware of a truth Douglass understood that to make strides, one must work within the framework of the majority, trance never doubting the singular strength of an individuals effect on a nation. Without the proterozoic encouragement of his Masters wife, Douglass may not have been introduced to the desire to learn, but that desire led Douglass to greater pursuits (Douglass, 2004, pp. 62-65).The Black community is now represented in local, state, and federal government a sign that the community is working individually (i. e. running and voting), and within the framework of the majority (i. e. the established government and its rules) to improve its position within the United States of America. Schools are filled with a variety of ethnicities, both in front of the classroom and seated within it, and Blacks are embracing the need to educate themselves to ensure better jobs, pecuniary success, and future opportunities.Essentia lly, the focus of todays Black social movements can be viewed as those actions that lead within the context of the majoritys framework and are designed to allow members of the Black community greater parity within this frameowrk. At the same time, these actions are being encouraged and supported on an individual by individual basis, so that the overall strength of each person can be added to the collective, and both might benefit from natural social change as well as active social movements. References Blumer, H. (1939).Collective behavior. In R. E. Park (Ed. ), An outline f the principles of Sociology. (pp. 199). New York, NY Barnes and Noble. Douglass, F. (2004). Learning to read and write. In Comley, N. , Hamilto, D. , Klaus, C. H. , Scholes, R. , Sommers, N. (Eds. ), Fields of reading motives for writing. (pp. 62-66). Boston, Mass. Bedford. Jefferson, T. (2004). The Declaration of Independence. In Comley, N. , Hamilto, D. , Klaus, C. H. , Scholes, R. , Sommers, N. (Eds. ), F ields of reading motives for writing. (pp. 612-615). Boston, Mass. Bedford. Library of Congress, The. The Frederick Douglass papers. Timeline. Retrieved September 12, 2006, from http//rs6. loc. gov/ammem/doughtml/timeline. html. List of years in television. (2006, September 11). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved September 12, 2006, from http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/ List_of_years_in_television. Star Trek The Original Series. (2006, September 11). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved September 12, 2006, from http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/ Star_Trek_The_Original_Series.